Jun 27

KD4ATW Repeater now active on EchoLink

After many months of prepping, the KD4ATW repeater is now on air on EchoLink, search for EchoLink Node #443100. We are now connected to the world via this amazing technology, and it will further enable us to connect the repeater to other machines for linked nets and so forth. Stay tuned for more details on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://kd4atw.org/2013/06/27/kd4atw-repeater-now-active-on-echolink/

May 26

SkyWarn Spotter Reporting Criteria

It’s that time of the year again, when we start the transition from winter to spring and spring into the full-fledged heat of summertime in Southeast Tennessee. And while the springtime was more forgiving to our immediate area this season, we’ve still got quite a way to go with plenty of potential for strong or …

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Permanent link to this article: https://kd4atw.org/2012/05/26/skywarn-spotter-reporting-criteria/

May 01

CQ CQ CQ!! Welcome ALL Hams to MCARC’s Website!

The Marion County Amateur Radio Club (MCARC) is NOW online at www.MarionCountyARC.org — and www.KD4ATW.org!  Check back soon for more club happenings and be sure to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings on Facebook! Tell all your fellow hams to go ‘LIKE’ us on Facebook today! 73, Logan, W4QXL

Permanent link to this article: https://kd4atw.org/2012/05/01/hello-world/